Grow your Business with Facebook Ads- Website Design Company in Australia

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Grow your Business with Facebook Ads-

In other words, without Facebook ads, nothing you post practically goes anywhere. Facebook began partially prioritizing "organic" access two years ago to prioritize users in their news feeds and partly to increase Facebook ad revenue. There were simply too many companies for a limited amount of space and some had to give.

The user experience has always been very important to Facebook and they constantly strive to improve it. It is important to protect the user experience as users leave without it. Without users, there is no one to advertise!

Most companies now know that they should be on Facebook

Like all digital marketing today, the strategy of Facebook ads starts with the right objectives and ideal content designed to meet those objectives. It's not enough to just post content to your page (which is already quite difficult!). Now, you have to make sure that people see your content and do the tasks you want them to take.

An important part of your strategy is to employ one or more people inside the company who can manage the moving parts:

  • Creating and publishing brainstorms, websites and social media content.
  • Design and manage Facebook ads.
  • Online reputation monitoring and management.
  • Serve as a "community manager" to keep an open dialogue between your customers and the company.
  • Analyze data coming from Google Analytics, social media and reputation monitoring.

If you are already thinking about how to reorganize your workforce to accommodate the complex process of digital marketing, congratulations, then you are ahead of the game. Most of the companies I meet are not managing it very well.

I recently met a business group leader who told me after a group discussion on social media, "We have just finished a 35-minute conversation, which no one really understands! Many members have cut off traditional marketing, but they are not sure where to go from here. People who are thinking of moving more towards digital say, "If I go in this direction, what is ROI?" How will it grow my business? “I have provided advice and guidance to many companies, which are stuck here.

1. Objective: Like your page:
It is still very important to develop a community on Facebook that reflects your real-life community. The best and quickest way is to target your market area and use advertisements to promote your page.
Creating a lively, busy Facebook page increases customer loyalty and increases the likelihood that fans will turn into customers.

Use this rule when creating all your Facebook ads:

  • Don't forget the call-to-action.
  • Choose an image that stands out in the news feed. Show people who use your product instead of product alone. Make sure it is not closed with text or that your ad will fail. You can test your images here.
  • Determine who you want to reach and be as specific as possible. A local business would like to target people in its market area (or your competitive market area). We usually recommend choosing the name of the city where the business is located +50 miles.
  • Include specific features about your audience that you think are important. Reducing the target audience reduces costs and keeps your message resonating.
  • If you are new, start with a budget of $ 10 / day. This way you can learn without breaking.
"Promote your page" design recommendations:
  • Recommended image size: 1200 x 444 pixels.
  • Headline limit: 25 characters.
  • Text limit: 90 characters.
  • Image must contain minimal text.

2. Objective: Increase Engagement:
The best way to attract people to your content is to promote your post so that people see it in your news feed.

"Promote your post" design recommendations:

  • Recommended image size: 1200 x 900 pixels.
  • Right column size: 254 x 133 pixels.
  • Text: 90 characters (long posts can be shortened on a small screen).
  • Image must contain minimal text.
3. Purpose: Drive traffic to your website:

The big news is that SEO isn't the only way to generate traffic there, and if you're just focused on search traffic, you're missing out. Social media has evolved from a busy medium and is now a major source of website traffic, and we all know that more traffic equals more opportunities.

Use this Facebook Advertising Strategy to:

  • Grow your email list.
  • Increase blog readers and influences.
  • RSVP for events.
  • Take part in competitions and giveaways.
"Send people to your website" design recommendations:

  • Recommended image size: 1200 x 628 pixels.
  • Title: 25 characters.
  • Text: 90 characters.
  • Link description: 30 characters.
  • Minimum text should be included in the image.

4. Purpose: Transform visitors into leadership:

This choice is the most advanced alternative to Facebook advertising strategies because it has gotten a lot of moving parts. While Facebook ads that promote conversions on your site can generate high-quality leads, you need to do them properly.

"Maximize conversions on your website" design recommendations:

  • Recommended image size: 1200 x 628 pixels.
  • Title: 25 characters.
  • Text: 90 characters.
  • Link description: 30 characters.

Facebook advertising strategies that work to grow your business

Facebook ads are a very smart, profitable way for companies to achieve their marketing and sales goals. People may complain about ads in their news feed but when it really comes down to it, they are seeing ads for specific items that interest them. Your job as an advertiser is to continue connecting with them so that when they decide to take action, it's up to you, not your competitor.


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